Growth Through Agriculture Grant

We are applying for a 1-1 matching grant of up to $50,000 called the Growth Through Agriculture (GTA) Grant, and are hoping for support to get this project up and going! We have been informed that if we have pledges of financial support on the condition of receiving the GTA grant, in the form of letters of commitment/intent, it can increase our chances of receiving grant money. The deadline is November 15th for the application and we hope to know in December after an oral presentation if and how much we receive!

If you are able to pledge or donate, please send your pledge letter or check to Mount Ellis Academy and note on the check that this donation is for the Bear Canyon Farm Project. All donations given through Mount Ellis Academy are tax deductible. If you have questions or would like to know more about this project, call Eric Harris at (406) 750-1367 or email

Sample letter of intent

Use this sample to write a letter of intent to donate. Thank you for your pledge!

Download a sample letter of intent >

Please send letters of intent to donate to:

Mount Ellis Academy
3641 Bozeman Trail Road
Bozeman, MT  59715

email to:


Note: Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law. Tax receipts will be issued upon receipt of payment. Questions regarding tax contributions should be referred to your tax advisor. Please make checks payable to “Mount Ellis Academy” and noted for “Bear Canyon Farm.”